What should my student wear?
Here is the dress code that is expected: All female gymnasts are required to wear a gymnastics leotard. She may wear shorts or footless tights with her suit. Hair should be pulled back away from face. No shoes or socks. Male students may wear athletic shirt and shorts. No shoes or socks. Jr Tumblers and Teen Tumblers should wear spandex shorts with a tight fitting shirt (or a gymnastics leo underneath).
Where can I get a gymnastics leotard?
There are used suits for sale at the gym in the waiting room area. Other options include shopping online: www.ozoneleos.com, gkelite.com, dancewearsolutions.com. There are sizing charts for each website. Several large retailers carry dance leotards for girls (a cotton/spandex suit) that is fine as well. You may be able to find them a Kohl’s, Wal-Mart, or Meijer’s. Or you can visit Opening Night in Dublin.
When should I arrive?
The gym will be open 15 minutes before the first class of the day starts. Your gymnasts should arrive 5-10 minutes before their class starts. Traffic can be a little hectic in the parking lot, so give yourself a little time to find a parking spot and make it into the building. Please use the front door to enter the building.
Is there Waiting room space?
We have an upstairs and downstairs parent's/viewing area. It is warm upstairs during the summer. If you are staying to watch, we require that all parents/visitors remain in the waiting room unless asked to come into the gym by a coach.
What if we have to miss a class?
Your gymnast is allowed one make-up class per a quarter. He/She can attend a class of the same level scheduled at another time during the week. Exceptions include Mommy & Me, Jr Tumbling, Teen Tumbling, Boy's Gym or other classes that do not run 2x a week.
When & How can I register?
• Spring Quarter Registration – February 1
Summer Quarter Registration – May 1
Fall Quarter Registration – August 1
Winter Quarter Registration – November 1
To register your gymnast or tumbler, please read and fill out the registration form found on our schedule page. Submit form with payment (cash or check) by dropping it off at the gym office or use our dropbox attached to the building! Once we receive your form, your student is ready to attend his/her class time! We cannot accept new students to a class time that is already full. Registration will close when class times are full or on the date posted on the home page (which ever occurs first).
What are your levels?
Gymnastics Levels:
- Climbing Koalas Age 18 months to 2 years old.
- Moving Monkeys Age 3 & 4 (must be potty trained).
- Tumbling Tigers Age 4 1/2 to 5 years old.
- Beginners 1 Age 6+ and all new students without previous experience.
- Beginners 2 Once the student has been evaluated during their time in Beginners 1, they can now move to the next level.
- Boy's Gym: L1 For male students age 6 - 10; Focus on floor, bars, vault and ring skills with obstacle course training.
- Boy's Gym: L2, L3 For male students who have passed Boys Level 1.
- Jr Jewels: Pre-Team For gymnasts in levels Intermediate, Advanced Intermediate & Advanced.
- Crown Jewels: Team Year long commitment to an exhibition team with one competition per year (Invite Only).
Tumbling Levels:
- Jr Tumbling For ages 7-11 years old. Students work the entire class time on floor skills.
- Teen Tumbling For Jr High and High School students with a focus on Round-offs & Backhandsprings.
Please contact us for more information on class descriptions or to schedule an evaluation.